Women in live events: the bad advice they didn’t take

Plus, the good advice they learned along the way

Emily Highstreet
Feb 12, 2025

It’s no secret that women are now more prominently pursuing careers in the live events industry.

So what better way to celebrate International Women’s Day than giving a platform to the voices of the women jumping in? We asked 5 female professionals across our client network for their honesty and boy, did they deliver. 

Whether you’re curious how to empower your female teammates or learn for your own career—don’t miss what these women had to say. 

The worst advice you got

1. Don’t rock the boat

By far, the most notoriously bad advice was to keep your head down and not to make waves. 

Although it may feel safe to silently follow through on the status quo or keep ideas to yourself, it’s actually not what’s best for your team, the fans or even your own development. 

Thankfully, our interviewees realized the faults of this advice quickly. Ariel Carmichael, Sr. Manager at Dear Media Live Events captures the shortcomings from this advice best: 

“Being a woman of color in the talent agency and entertainment world, it was like, ‘Don’t remind them that you’re there.’ That was the worst advice because questioning and building community with your coworkers is how things are going to evolve. With questions comes growth.”

Developing in your career requires you to show up in vulnerable ways, but as Mandi Lo, Client Success Director at Jampack points out, you may not actually have much to lose:

“If you really believe strongly in something and you get axed for it, then that might not be the right place for you anyway.”

2. Never ask for a raise, wait until you’re noticed

Asking for money is daunting for everyone, but usually you’re glad you did. Sometimes working long hours or taking on more responsibilities seems easier than pursuing one conversation with your manager—but you’re usually glad you did. 

Venus Ranieri, Director of Marketing at Singularity University describes how important asking for a raise was and how she eventually got it:

“You have to be willing to say what you feel like you deserve—obviously don’t badger but if you have the data about the market and what you’ve accomplished you should definitely advocate for yourself.”

But if that doesn’t go your way and you have conviction in your ask, Venus strongly suggests you consider moving on quickly:

“I wish I knew when to walk away earlier. Women tend to be more risk averse so holding strong to what you deserve, or need for your quality of life is important. Quitting was actually the only time I received a 50% raise in my salary.”

3. Go where the money is

For recent graduates, live events are not where the quick money is. Most of our interviewees were encouraged by loved ones to pursue other careers with higher entry level salaries. 

But thankfully Dana Greer, Marketing Director at Good Vibez Presents didn’t listen: 

“Following your heart actually opens more doors for you in the long run. Not to mention, all the fulfillment that comes with doing what you love.”

4. Fake it ‘til you make it

Sticking with a role or company you’re really not happy in doesn’t ultimately serve anyone. In this scenario, it’s best you just move on—even if it’s just been a few months. 

Although career progression certainly comes from pushing through discomfort, Ariel Carmichael highlights “...this is also my life and I should enjoy what I’m doing. It shouldn’t be every day I hate going into work, but stay for a promotion. 

There was time wasted in early years where I knew in my gut that I had gathered all that I could from a position but I felt I had to stay for a certain number of years or it looked bad on my resume.Thankfully that’s changed and people who have switched roles within a year—the experience is more valued and people don’t really care as much how long you were in your previous role.” 

Why you stuck with it

A career in the live events industry certainly isn’t for the faint of heart. 

So why do they do it? Well, the answer is passion.  

‘Live events are a way for people to disconnect from all of the noise around them. Every single person is connected, yet you see a range of emotions—it’s so important and why live events had to become a part of what I do.’ — Dana Greer, Marketing Director at Good Vibez Presents
“Building an experience for people and them enjoying it is the most special part of the job. Seeing how genuinely fulfilled the talent and the fans are seeing each other in person is my favorite thing.”  — Ariel Carmichael, Sr. Manager of Live Events at Dear Media 

Bringing fans profound experiences with each other and art makes all of the risks, late nights and hard work worth it. 

If you’re curious to see how Jampack can team up with you to bring fans extra best moments, get in touch with us.

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